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Mario Andrés Narváez Martínez - Ángela Maria Henao Castaño.
Objective. This work sought to validate the Spanish version of the scale Healthy Aging Brain-Care Monitor (HABC-M) scale as clinical tool to detect the Post-intensive Care Syndrome.
Methods. Psychometric study, conducted in adult intensive care units from two high-complexity university hospitals in Colombia. The sample was integrated by 135 survivors of critical diseases with mean age of 55 years. The translation of the HABC-M was carried out through transcultural adaptation, evaluating content, face, and construct validity and determining the scale’s reliability.
Results. A replica was obtained of the HABC-M scale in its version into Spanish, semantically and conceptually equivalent to the original version. The construct was determined through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), evidencing a three-factor model comprised of the subscales: cognitive (6 items), functional (11 items), and psychological (10 items), with a confirmatory factor index (CFI) of 0.99, a Tucker Lewis index (TLI) of 0.98, and an approximate root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.073 (90% CI: 0.063 – 0.084). Internal consistency was determined through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, obtaining 0.94, (95% CI 0.93 – 0.96).
Conclusion. The Spanish of the HABC-M scale is a tool with adequate psychometric properties, validated and reliable to detect the Post-intensive Care Syndrome.
Wilder Alfonso Hernández Duarte / Lydacamila Gómez Gómez
Introduction: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been employed widely in Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems training programs. However, it is necessary to investigate the influence and workers characteristics to ensure effectiveness. The study presents the relationship between demographic characterization and learning styles with the satisfaction and approval of a training course for teachers through virtual modality and the incidence in accident indicators of an educational institution.
Methods: Analytical and longitudinal study. In 2019, 385 teachers participated in a virtual course on falls prevention. Learning styles were surveyed and records of teachers' entrance and approval of the course were consolidated. The evaluation of the course by teachers was reviewed and the behavior of accident frequency and severity indicators were analyzed comparing 2018 and 2019. To determine significant relationships, Cramer's V was applied for learning styles and demographic characteristics with access and course approval. ANOVA was applied for the demographic variables and the evaluation given by teachers to the course. T-test was used to compare the average values of the indicators for the period 2018–2019.
Results and discussion: Statistical relationships were found between the predominant learning style and access (P < 0.01) and approval (P < 0.01). Educational level of the population with access (P < 0.05) and course approval (P < 0.01). In addition to the age range and the rating given to the methodology applied in the course (P < 0.05). No differences were found between the values of the indicators. By identifying significant relationships between learning styles and demographic characteristics of the working population and the use of virtual learning environments, it is important to continue researching the influence of workers' characteristics and didactic methodologies for the design of virtual learning environments that encourage workers to follow safe procedures during their work.
Carlos Javier Avendaño Vásquez, Luz Angela Vásquez Castellanos, Arley David Forero Castellanos, Jesús David Malagon Pérez.
Introduction: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common congenital disorders, affecting between 0.8% and 1.2% of live births worldwide. The treatment of children with congenital heart defects is highly specialized and includes, among others, surgical treatment as the first-choice approach and postoperative care in intensive care units. The aim of this review is to explore nursing care plans for post-cardiac surgery children during their stay in Intensive Care Units.
Methods: An integrative review was performed to obtain articles from the online databases SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, Scielo, PubMed, EMBASE, and Redalyc. The synthesis of information was performed based on diagnoses and interventions. Additionally, complications and associated factors were identified.
Results: Nursing diagnoses and interventions focus on problem-centered care to respond to cardiovascular and ventilatory needs, sedation and analgesia, infection control, and nutrition. The main complications identified were increased time on mechanical ventilation, postoperative infection, renal failure, and mortality. Complications were associated with intrinsic conditions such as age, sex, or type of malformation and clinical and procedural conditions such as extracorporeal circulation, mechanical ventilation, or higher postoperative risk index.
Discussion: This review identified problem-focused nursing diagnoses and interventions with a strong focus on the physiological conditions of the child. Although the results of this study show the conceptual level of nurses for specialized care, it denotes the need to complement the nursing process through diagnoses and interventions that promote the transversality of care beyond the problem-centered approach based on the possibilities of the response of the child and the family.
Keywords: Care, nursing; All childhood; Abnormalities, congenital; Cardiac surgery; Care unit, intensive
Sánchez-Cárdenas MA, León MX, Rodríguez-Campos LF, Correa Morales JE, Buitrago Reyes LA, Vargas Villanueva MA, Garralda E, Van Steijn D, Centeno C.
The Development of Palliative Care in Colombia: An Analysis of Geographical Inequalities Through the Application of International Indicators.
Context: The national evaluation of an individual country is a tool used to improve the universal provision of palliative care. The evaluation of a country's internal situation, by means of an analysis of the development of palliative care by region, may also be an instrument for improvement.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to understand the regional development of palliative care in Colombia, through the application of international indicators.
Methods: Regional development was analyzed for Colombia, with a country-specific adaptation of the evaluation method used in the latest edition of the Palliative Care World Map (Clark D, 2020), the need for palliative care per death with serious health-related suffering (Knaul FN, 2019), and the coverage of specialized services, following European standards (Centeno, 2016). A total of 33 of the country's regions were classified.
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Nancy Viviana Torres Díaz MSN, RN
Estudio que buscó determinar la validez y confiabilidad de la versión colombiana de la Escala de cuidado individualizado (ICS-paciente) diseñada por la Doctora Riitta Suhonen y colaboradores, en pacientes hospitalizados en una institución hospitalaria de la ciudad de Bogotá.
Vea además, la nota publicada sobre esta investigación en Unimedios:
Suárez-Baquero, Daniel F. M., MSN, RN; Champion, Jane Dimmitt, PhD, DNP, FNP, AH-PMH-CNS, FAAN, FAANP
Doulas have fundamentally improved the health-care experience of pregnant women internationally. Women who recognize the importance of not being alone during pregnancy have embraced this role for centuries. However, less is known about doulas practicing in countries experiencing health inequities like Colombia. Miller's methodology and Atkinson's interview domain was used to answer the question “What life experiences led a Colombian woman to become a doula?” A central theme emerged, “A calling from within: Growing up to accompany the transition from woman to mother.” The path to becoming a doula evolved from life experiences involving health inequities, and a sense of femininity, maternity, and the women's role in rural Colombia.
Olga Janneth Gómez Ramírez y Edilma Gutiérrez De Reales
Esta segunda edición del texto se propuso como una ampliación de temas que en la primera versión consideramos que podrían aclararse para una mejor comprensión del uso de las narrativas con los diversos elementos de la epistemología de la enfermerí a y para propiciar una mayor conciencia del campo de la disciplina. De esta manera se espera que los problemas que se propongan para investigación estén dentro de este campo y se logre así el avance y desarrollo deseable y necesario.
Gloria Mabel Carrillo, Elizabeth Vargas Rosero, Olga Janneth Gómez Ramírez, Yuli Liliana Forero, Alejandra Moreno Castro y Oscar Yesid Franco.
Este producto de investigación se suma al manual: “Cuidarme con Sentid. Guía de cuidados básicos para automanejo en el tratamiento contra el cáncer”